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Merci de nous avoir contacté. Nous allons vous répondre dans les plus brèves délais pour démontrer notre sincère transparence.

Thank you for having contacted us. We will respond to you as soon as possible to demonstrate our sincere transparency. 

Hello everyone and thank you for your interest in our ministry.
We do not represent any religious group or Christian religion in particular, but we want to confess (in a fun and playful way) Jesus Christ, the one who suffered in our place, endured the affront and all the pain. That Lamb who was killed and revived by conquering death!
Jesus claimed to be the Resurrection and the Life (John 11: 25-26), and promised that everyone who believes in Him who dies will be resurrected to eternal life.

Who is

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a team formed by an illustrator husband and his wife, manager of the OnLine store. There is also our family that supports us in various areas of specialization, without forgetting the precious encouragement and prayers of our brothers and sisters from various churches in our region.


What is

It is an OnLine store where we sell "passive" and "active" evangelism tools.


What's different about our items?

Personally, we find any article of evangelism different and useful. In fact, each work reflects a bit of the character of its creators. But the most important thing is that Christ crucified and risen for the salvation of those who believe is the main message.


We talk a lot about Jesus, but who is he and what is he?

We are a family owned and operated business.

Jesus is the most important person in our life. Humanity and the entire universe were created by Him and for Him.

However, many people know him little or nothing. And that is a reality even for most Christians. I had the opportunity to question members of different Christian religions about Jesus. They all described me as a being with a very different consistency. Some say that Jesus was a little God inferior to his Father, others said that he was absolutely the father in disguise. Others believe that he was 100% God and 100% man or 50% God and 50% man. The followers of a self-taught religion claim that Jesus was a teacher led by God, but without any divine condition.

All of them corroborate their opinions with Biblical texts. However, even if all of these statements are contradictory, they are almost all correct. To understand this, we have to look at Jesus' life chronologically. First of all, Jesus was always with God and the two were one body. But before coming to earth, Jesus gave up his divine condition and decided to be born as a simple human and live among us as such. Then he was crucified, died and rose in a glorified body and returned to God, who entrusted him with all power on earth; under the earth and in the skies. God also raised Jesus above everything and gave him the Name that is above all names; so that all the knees bend to the name of Jesus: in Heaven, on Earth and under the earth; and so that all may proclaim, for the glory of God the Father: Jesus Christ is the Lord!

And now who do you think he is?     (text translated in google traduction)

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